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Solar Panel & Wind Generator

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Solar Panel

Another important application area in which solar energy systems are used is the maritime sector and vessels. For instance, solar energy systems on boats are generally used to charge batteries and for service and backup energy purposes.

When the batteries on the boats are not connected to shore power, they can be charged as long as the boat engine is running or the generator (if any) is running.

Solar Panel & Wind Generator

However, this method causes extra fuel wastage and environmental pollution during long-term stays. The need for constant refueling, the cost and the high level of noise, and exhaust gases are not comfortable at all.

Boat Solar Panel Calculator

In order to design a boat solar panel system, firstly the energy consumption on the boat should be well analyzed and the electrical appliances to be used on the boat and their probable duration of use should be determined.

  • Types, number, usage habits of electrical appliances to be used on the boat
  • Physical features of the available unshadowed space where solar panels can be placed on the boat
  • Boat electrical installation voltage and cable distance and thickness information
  • It is necessary to know the current battery capacity (if any) and inverter power on the boat.

Wind Generator

Wind turbines are generally designed to take advantage of the wind generated by the speed of the boat both in sailing weather and during engine running. Although solar energy is also the basis of wind, the biggest advantage of wind turbines when considered as a renewable energy source on boats is that they can be a clean energy source on the boat even on unsunny days.

Other advantages compared to solar panels can be seen as being able to be used day and night and occupying less space. There are more various applications than solar panels, which will vary for people's cruising preferences, mostly for coastal boats or seagoing boats.

Wind Generator

As a basic principle, the movement of the blades drives the generator to produce electrical energy. The length of the blades increases the energy obtained.

Wind energy can be obtained in an area of approximately 95% of the world, and the seas are more advantageous than the earth for this. The disadvantages of older models, such as noisy operation and efficient use, and frequent technical failures in higher winds seem to be no longer a problem in designs in recent years.

There are now models that can generate electricity even in winds above 25 knots. Moreover, turbines that can produce energy even in winds of 3 knots are produced.

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